Ciao! One of my favorite Italian dishes that I absolutely love is lasagna. Do you know what I don’t love? The heavy carbs that make me tired from the food coma. To replace these noodles, I use thinly sliced Italian zucchini as a replacement; this vegetable is low carb and adds a hearty texture to this dish. Bonus, you can still get your protein from the ricotta cheese (about 6oz of protein per serving) and sprinkle some dry jack for a slightly nutty flavor and crispy top layer.

Check out the YouTube video recipe below:

Since I like to support my local farmers (Real California Milk represents California’s more than 1,300 dairy farmers – 99% family-run), I picked a brand that’s part of the Real California Milk family (Click HERE for brands/locations); be sure to check the label so you know it’s from the local CA farmers. This post is sponsored by Real California Milk but all recipes and opinions are my own.


Check out the YouTube video recipe below: